
The Account object represents a unique account within the Carvoyant system.


Property Type Description Required for Creation
id Integer The internal system identifier for this vehicle. Unsupported
firstName String The first name on the account. Required
lastName String The last name on the account. Required
dateCreated DateTime The timestamp of when the account was created. Unsupported
zipcode String The zipcode where the user primarily drives. Required
email String Email address for the account. Optional
phone String Phone number for the account. Optional
timeZone String The timezone to use for time display. Required
preferredContact String How the account owner prefers to be contacted. Required
accessToken String A Bearer access token to use to access this account. Note that an access token is only returned by the creation of a new account. Unsupported
username String The username for the account. Required
password String The password for the account. Required

Supported Verbs

  • GET
  • POST


Returns one or more accounts.

Query Paths

  • /account/
  • /account/{account-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
account-id The Carvoyant identifier of the account. If the account-id is not specified, then all accounts available will be returned. In most cases, only one account is available so both calls will return the same account.

Call Options

Sortable No
Pageable No

Sample JSON Response:

    "account": {
        "id: 3
        "firstName": "Speed"
        "lastName": "Racer"
        "username": "speedracer"
        "dateCreated": "20121130T144013+0000"
        "email": ""
        "zipcode": "33635"
        "phone": "8135551212"
        "timeZone": "America/New_York"
        "preferredContact": "PHONE"
    totalRecords: null
    actions: [ ]


Creates or updates an account. Note that the client credentials authentication mechanism must be used for account creation. User account access tokens are not authorized to create new accounts. In the response to the creation of a new response, an OAuth2 authorization code will be provided. The calling system can use that authorization code to retrieve an access token for the new account without required the user to explicitly grant access (creating the account assumes access has been granted).

Query Paths

  • /account/
  • /account/{account-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
account-id The Carvoyant identifier of the account. If the account-id is not specified, a new account will be created. If it is specified, then any account fields specified in the request will be updated. Unspecified fields will remain unchanged.

Sample JSON Response:

    account: {
        id: 87
        firstName: "Speed"
        lastName: "Racer"
        username: null
        dateCreated: "20140505T173906+0000"
        email: ""
        zipcode: "33635"
        phone: null
        timeZone: null
        preferredContact: "EMAIL"
        accessToken: {
            code: "2f2w4ae6mmbvrdk94feen2gy"
    totalRecords: null
    actions: [ ]


Deletes the specified account.


This operation is permanent! All data and configuration for the account, including all of it’s vehicles will be deleted and cannot be restored. Please ensure that the Carvoyant account owner confirms this operation before making the API call.

Query Paths

  • /account/{account-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
account-id The Carvoyant identifier of the account.

Sample JSON Response:

    "result": "OK",
    "totalRecords": 1,
    "actions": []